Sunday, March 10, 2013

14 months!

For the Nichols family, time is flying by as usual. Oliver is 14 months old and still changing every single day. Each day is still so fun, but starting to get more challenging in its on way. ;) Om, we have had to give Oliver his first little spanking. Yes, and it broke my heart. He still likes to put his little foot up on the highchair- even when we tell him no. We count to three and if we get to three and his foot is still up, then we thump it. Oliver also likes to drop food on the floor. Therefore, we have had to pop his little hand a few times so that he knows not to do that.

Life is so sweet and we are so thankful. Having a son is causing my heart to be pointed more toward the gospel! I can sense God's grace showering down on me everyday in the midst of life's little challenges. For that, I am truly blessed. God's grace is suffficient- even for those little challenges that are a normal part of everyday life.

I often feel the challenge of remaining in God's grace when life offers something easier- pride and selfishness. Pride can come in many forms and I have seen pride rear its ugly head in my own life recently. I have seen the snare of selfishness too, unfortunately. I know Jesus can replace my pride and selfishness with humbleness and generosity...I think pride and selfishness starts early in life. For example, when little Oliver gets upset because I take the remote control away from him. ;) As his mama, I have to come along side Bradd and train him up in the right way to go- as the Bible declares.

At 14 months, little Oliver is up to a lot of new things:

~Playing peek-a-boo

~Sword fighting with Daddy

~Getting his first pair of shoes

~ Fake crying when he wants to nurse...(uh-oh)

~ Getting bitten by another kid at the mall playground :(

~ Walking fast

~ Washing his hands with help of course

~ Dancing at his first wedding reception

~ Being somewhat picky over his food

~Yet another haircut...He has acutally started to comb his own hair- haha

~Putting random things in random places

~Coloring and eating at Cracker Barrell

~Taking a walk while holding my finger

~"Destroying" the inside of drawers and cabinets just like his mama used to do!

~Having fun with his first non-family babysitter

~Playing in the play area at none other than: Chick-fil-a

~Enjoying Valentine's Day

~Enjoying some snow in the backyard

Oliver is at the 1% for his weight (17lbs 11oz). No wonder I call him little Oliver, hehe.
Here are his 14 month pics: