Monday, May 6, 2013

16 months!

So, what has Oliver been up to this past month- you may ask. Well, here are some of his latest adventures:

~Going to Duke Gardens for the 1st time (well, 2nd if you count the time he was in my womb)...
Aunt Jenna showed him how to throw a rock in the fountain and make a wish

~Sitting on a motorcycle

~Wearing suspenders

~Picking up leaves, sticks, and rocks

~Flirting with the ladies

~Going to Frankie's for the first time

~Drawing / coloring on his new desk

~Listening to the Jesus Storybook Bible (Toddler version)

~Enjoying Spring

~Crawling up steps

~Dancing on the porch at the Carolina Inn

~Flipping with Daddy at the vet while Rose and Charley get emergency care after eating our Azaleas

~Eating an icecream cone

~Feeding himself (still working on that) and getting food in his hair

~Spending time with his cousins

~Playing in a sandbox

 Oliver is definitely becoming his own little person! He can say a total of four words now, "Mama, Dada, Nini (when he wants to nurse), and Uh-oh or just Ohhhhhh". He also loves to give kisses with his mouth wide open. He loves to give hugs! He has a total of 12 teeth now! We brush his teeth not just at night, but in the morning now too. He still loves to read books. Oh, playing with puzzles is a new favorite now. He loves to play games on Aunt Jenna's I-pad. I just love him to pieces. He is so much fun and really has a sweet personality- he is very friendly to strangers! One more, he can fit into size 3 month shorts, (of course they were probably a "Big" 3 month size)! Tehe.

Here are his 16 month pics: