Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Oliver 30 months (2.5 years)

So the pics and info are accurate but this post is way late- oops! Happy 2.5 years sweet boy! You are so much fun. You love to make people laugh. You love to sing and dance. You love Rose and Charley. You love spending time with Mireya. You love to sleep. You love bugs, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Barney, Super Why, Curious Goerge, motorcycles, bicycles, toy guns, chocolate bears, swinging through the air while we hold your hands, flying like a rocket, reading books, painting, coloring, and playing in the sand!
Looking rad like your dad
Dressed for the beach
"Go away sun."
You can turn anything into a bicycle
Before your big boy haircut
I don't know who was more sad- me or him?
Cute little man (after the haircut)
Practicing those fine motor skills
Pouring water
Blowing bubbles
Running through a sprinkler
Big wheels
Love the way he opens his mouth when concentrating
Going down a big slide for the first time and still loving bicycles
Loves to build towers
His fish sign
Loves to help me clean (sometimes)
He sat still while I trimmed his nails so I told him he could have a prize...and that's what he chose
Fun at the zoo
Here are his 30 month (2.5 year) pics:
He calls me "Mommy."



Monday, June 9, 2014

Oliver 29 months

Oliver now says "Luz you Mommy," (Love you Mommy) and does the sign all the time. He went #2 on the potty again, (only once though). Mimi was telling his daddy and I that he needed to hold his crayon up higher and all of the sudden, he did. He said, "Look! Higher!" He can say, "Superman" now instead of "Mahman." He has two very distinct laughs, (one where people think he is crying- he sounds like Bradd's grandma). He can say Granddaddy, ("Gran-dee-dee") and Grandma Libby, ("Grandmama"). He won't go to sleep until I pray over him, we say "I love you" and he shows us the sign. Of course he still asks for his paci too, (and sleeps with Blue Bear, White Dog, and Blanket).
Here is what Oliver has been up to:
~He buried my feet in dirt
~Loves to do crafts, especially color "Calorrr" and roll play-doh "doh" in tiny pieces
~He drew a moon
~His eyelashes are still long and he loves his sunglasses
~Still obsessed with bicycles
~Likes to climb in the car by himself, (he says, "Hands off" all the time)
~Still loves yogurt / icecream and fruit
~Loves sidewalk chalk
~Went to Marbles and had a blast
~Prays for our Facebook friends
~Sings while closing his eyes and shaking his head, (like the praise and worship leader does), will raise his hands too, and loves to hear and sing "Daddy's Song"
~Loves to play in the water and sand, (the sand more than water)
~See what I mean about loving sand more than water- hehe
~Played with a skateboard for the first time...
~And got a major boo-boo :(
~Then got another boo boo in the same spot after the other one healed
~Boo Boos all over - he's all boy
~Loves to read in the bed with Superman
~Went strawberry picking for the first time
~Here are his 29 month pics