At 28 months, Oliver is as fun and sweet as ever. He is all boy. He saw the Easter Bunny for the first time and was scared, "Gayurd." He is talking more and more. He loves to repeat things we do and say. He can say bicycle now! His best friend is still Mireya and they are starting to do a lot of things alike: laughing and saying "Mine do it." Oliver also loves to kiss his own boo-boos.
~He loves to talk on the phone
~Pretending to shoot a gun is his favorite
~He loves the "Men" Mimi gave him, and he can do a thumbs up easily
~Carrying around his plane bag makes him feel so grown up
~He finally mastered putting his glasses on top of his head
~He went bowling for the first time
~He loves to watch Daddy come down the stairs after playing drums at church, and showing off his artwork
~Scooting up as close to the table as possible is so fun for him
~Him and Daddy found their first reptile friend, (thankfully they did not stick around as pets)
~Stickers, stickers, and more stickers
~He made a nature bracelet
~He will sometimes ask us to take his picture
~For Easter, he got a Superman pillow doll
~He can say Superman and Super Why now
~He still loves to sleep
~Got to see cars on top of a bridge on I-40
~Thinks he's cool now that he drinks out of a cup just like Mireya's
~Asked us to take a picture of him holding his corvette
~Loves to point to Chilly, Aunt Jenna's chinchilla
~Loves to run
~Here are his 28 month pics