Saturday, January 21, 2012
Not a Coincidence
On December 29, 1978...two twin baby girls were born into this world who would soon become the center of their mother's universe. They came at exactly 3 weeks before her due date, January 19, 1979.
On November 22, 1983 at 4:44am...a baby boy was born into this world who would soon add to the abundance of joy in his mother's life. Almost immediately, she started talking with him about what kind of husband she wishes him to be and began praying for his future wife.
On December 29, 1984...a baby girl was born into this world who would eventually become that baby boy's wife.
Fast forward many years...
On December 29, 4:44pm, a baby boy was born into this world. Although he was a little early (her due date was January 19, 2012), he was born healthy and happy.
Here is my BIRTH STORY:
Contractions started at 7pm on Wednesday, December 28. They stayed until the next morning/afternoon when I eventually went to the hospital. They were every 3 to 10 minutes apart (some being 15 or 20 minutes though). I woke up in the middle of the night and called the doctor on call at one point. The main reason I called was because I felt like I was having another episode of high blood pressure.
Let me rewind a bit...I went to the hospital earlier that week, (on Tuesday December 27) due to blurry vision. I was scanning my patient and could not see to finish the ultrasound (everything was blurry). I was walked down to clinic and eventually it got worse, (I saw bright spots in the corner of my eyes and it felt like I was going blind). I prayed for God to touch my vision and immediately I could see normally again. The doctor still wanted me to go to labor and delivery to be thoroughly checked out. Oh, my cervix had been checked at my doctor's appointment and it was now a full 1cm dialted and 75% effaced. It was definitely progressing. My sister and her boyfriend ended up taking me to the hospital. They did pre-eclampsia labs (which came back nrmal) and filled me with IV fluids to see if that would help/ I was no longer seeing blurry, however, my blood pressure was still pretty high, so they pumped me full of pain meds and soon my blood pressure went down. I was sent home.
The next day was Wednesday, December 28. That brings us back to the night the contractions started. Soon the contractions seemed to come so often, it was hard to time them. It also felt like one continuous contraction, with sporadic cramping. Because the contractions weren't exactly every 5 minutes, and because I could talk through them, I was unsure if this was the real thing. I sort-of felt deep down it was VERY close to the real thing, but because I had gone to the hospital so many times before and it was all false alarms, I just wasn't sure.
On Wednesday afternoon, my doctor had made a plan for a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. She made this plan based on my small pelvic size upon examination as well as other factors before I became pregnant. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for putting that plan into place at just the right time. If that plan would not have been made at that time, I would have gone to the hospital and had a trial of labor. The doctor did not want me to have a trial of labor, mainly because of the risk to me and Oliver as well as the risk of having a c-section after a trial of labor.
I finally called my boss around 10am. I told her I wasn't sure I would be coming to work. I told her my symptoms, and she let me talk to the doctor who had made the delivery plan the day before. Because I was having a c-section, I wasn't sure how long to wait before heading to the hospital. Do I wait until the contractions are so painful I can't talk through them? Do I wait until they are perfectly timeable, every 3 to 5 minutes? The doctor told me to go get checked out at the hospital (that I was probably in early labor) and if worse came to worse, I would be sent home.
Bradd was at work, and I only wanted him to come home if I knew for certain this was it. However, there was no way to know for certain until I went to the hospital. My mom offered to come take me. However, it would be about 4 hours until she could make it do Durham. Bradd asked me if I wanted him to come home immediately. I told him I wasn't sure. I kind-of wanted to keep waiting to see if they would go away or weaken significantly. Well, around 12:30, Bradd came home, even though I told him I was okay to keep waiting. We went ahead to the hospital, as the contractions were getting worse. On the way there, I told Bradd I bet we would be sent home.
At 1:30pm, the doctor checked my cervix. He said I was 3 cm dilated and the contractions were coming every 1 to 3 minutes. The doctor then said we would be having a c-section at 3:00pm. That was in an hour and a half!!! I was excited at the fact that it was MY BIRTHDAY! For him to be born on my birthday was so special. I already shared a birthday with my twin sisters. Now I would share my birthday with my son too. I trusted God and the doctors that he would be healthy. We immediately called/texted our immediately family to let them know.
Looking back, I can see how God orchestrated it all. He answered my prayer for a healthy baby. He also answered my prayer as for the perfect timing of Oliver's birth.
Dear Oliver,
God has a plan for your life. Your father and I had our doubts about getting pregnant easily, or even at all. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, along with another issue that could affect our ability to conceive. However, we became pregnant with you immediately after trying. I believe God had healed me of the Endometriosis not long before (through a word of knowledge on the 700 Club), although I still lacked complete trust. At certain points throughout my pregnancy with you, we were concerned you might come too early. I believe you stayed inside me as long as you did, because of the many prayers of my family. Carrying you was not easy, but having you here is definitely worth it! I love you so much and I don't think it is a conincidence that we share a birthday, along with your twin aunts, and my mother-in-law's due date with your aunts was the same as mine. Nor is it a coincidence that you were born at the same time your daddy was born. God has shown me such grace by giving you to us. God has a plan for you life.
Here are his 3 week pictures:
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