So, what is Oliver up to now- you may ask...
~He still loves Dada to bounce him in the air, (Dada will actually say, "Oliver, do you wanna see the vent?" Oliver will now point up to the vent and smile and wait for Dada to toss him up high in the air!
~He is getting better at feeding himself, (although we still haven't given him full reigns of the spoon by himself...YET).
~He can put his blocks together and take them apart- like a pro
~He loves to walk in a fast-paced fashion (like his Great Pawpaw Crumpton)...and also likes to follow in his pepaw's footsteps!
~He loves to touch your mouth and give kisses and hugs
~He enjoyed his first ride on the merry-go-round with Aunt Connie
~He climbed a hill and picked up a rock for the first time with Aunt Jenna
~He enjoyed dressin up for St. Patrick's Day (Mama put this outfit together at the very last minute)
~He loves going to the library for story time on Wednesdays with Mama (*Videos to come later*)
~He loves it when Pepaw makes funny sounds and faces- he tries to copy him
~He loves to watch Sesame Street with Mama and Family Matters with Dada
~He has to have Dada hold him right before bed and tuck him in
~He is getting even more creative with putting things in random places
~He absolutely loves, loves, loves to be chased - "Ima get you"
~He walked around with a balloon for the very first time
Oliver now weighs 18 pounds! Yay! He is only at the zero percentile for weight, but Dr. Clark says that's ok! Even though his growth has plateaued, Doc is happy. His height is at about the 30th percentile and head circumference 80th percentile. He is still nursing and can say about three words: Mama, Dada, and Nini (when he wants to nurse).
Here are his 15 month pics:
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