Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Parade of Life

In reference to my last post, the little girl who was living with us went back home to live with her guardians. 

She had been living with us full time for about a month and a half. This will be another adjustment for everyone involved.

We are truly blessed to have had her live with us for the short time she did, and we are truly blessed with our family of three. 

We see life as bystanders in a parade, while God sees the entire parade. We watch moment by moment. 
After all, that is what this precious little girl taught us to live life one day at a time.

For the past few days, I have had many people encourage me who had no idea what was going on. From complete strangers, (see picture below) to coworkers I see everyday...I have felt the presence of Jesus through these people. 

Here is a note I found on the windshield of my car a few days ago:

Psalm 125:2, "The Lord surrounds His people, both now and forever."

A dear friend gave us this frame pictured below with "Joy" inside. She said one day we can replace it 
with a picture of our family after we adopt. She wanted us to choose joy in the waiting.

The picture of joy may never be replaced. Whether it is or isn't, we must "Rise up and Pray," and choose joy. 

After all, who doesn't love a parade? Especially one where Jesus is waiting at the end. 

"In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade," from the Message Book. 

We cannot share details publicly, but we do covet your prayers for this sweet little girl, her family, and ours as well.

We also hope your Mother's Day is a blessed one, no matter where you are in your journey of motherhood.


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