Friday, June 9, 2017

No More Sorrow


"No more sorrow" was the title of the filter in this picture.

Jesus has taken away my sorrow! There was a physical downpour during most of our vacation, and I believe a spiritual one too! Jesus welcomes our questions about life and He holds us just as a child squeezes their favorite toys. Thank you Jesus for showering me with your presence through our miracle child whose gaze at life encourages me to gaze upon you! Five years ago, I was six weeks pregnant with this little miracle. Little did I know, at five and half years old, this little miracle would take me on a journey of finding true satisfaction in Jesus alone.

Little I did I know that all my efforts of having another child (fertility treatments and adoption) would fail. Little did I know the blessing that was in store through the questioning, the silence, and the downpour of depression. Little did I know those long eyelashes I noticed when I first gazed upon his face would be a constant reminder of God's long lasting faithfulness. I always thought he needed a sibling to journey through life with. Now, I am realizing he has everything he needs with Jesus by his side. So when our son questions the complexities of life, we can tell him to ask Jesus, and we will know he will be held tightly. Jesus has heard my prayer and He hears your too! He is still the God of miracles! I believe all babies are miracles. However, when you go through any form of infertility or pregnancy loss, I believe the miracle of a baby becomes more meaningful. I also believe finding satisfaction in Jesus is a miracle too. 

    "Help me, O Lord my God. Save me according to   your steadfast love!
27 Let them know that this is your hand..." 

Psalm 109:26-27



Thank you Jesus for rescuing us from sin and sorrow. You are our lifeboat! 

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