Here is what little man has been up to:
~Wearing sunglasses
~He said "Juice" once and says "Bird" all the time now
~Not being afraid of fireworks, even though I was afraid of the noise- he would push my hands away
~Washing his hands
~Waves at everyone (once they are not loooking though- ha)
~Can point to his eyes, ears, and hair
~Loves to feed Rose and Charley
~Can sit still (sometimes) for storytime
~Played with Mr. Potato Head for the first time
~Had his first little tea party with Mama
~Playing with his ball
~Can fold his hands to say the blessing
~Tells Dada goodnight by giving him a kiss as he goes up the stairs
~Eating cheerios...still
~Sent his first text message
~Eating his peas, corn and an array of veggies (and ham) at Souper Salad
~Forward facing now (even though he is not 20 lbs yet, Dr. Clark said it's okay)
~Riding in play car at Aunt Maria's
~Raising his hands to worship music
~The longest time he sat still to watch some T.V.- just happened to be Blue's Clues (Mimi bought it for him)
~Getting his hair wet for the first time
~Went to Chucke Cheeses for the first time
~Makes an adorable fake cry face
~Playing in a box
~Baby yoga
~Tries (and sometimes succeeds) in picking up Charley
~Sitting on ball at Target
~Playing cars with Grandaddy
~Playing keyboard with Grandaddy
~Coming home from work to find him and Dada on the front steps waiting for me
Here are his 19 month pics:
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