Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ten Months!

So, Oliver is the big TEN! Yep, ten months old! Can you believe it?!?

I am now working four ten hour days, with Wednesdays off. Therefore, Wednesdays are totally my new favorite day. I get to spend Wednesdays with my family. I savor these precious moments. I try to take Oliver somewhere new each Wednesday, a new place for him to enjoy. So far, we have been to...

Museum of Life and Science in Durham (free admission on Wednesdays for Durham County Residents):

Piney Wood park:

Play Nation:

And the library for an all-ages book reading, (we didn't make it there in time for Oliver's age group, but it was still fun):

So, what is sweet little Oliver learning new these days? Well...

He has learned to interact very well with strangers, (especially little kids):

He has learned to "Cruise" like a little cruisin machine:
(This video was taken when he was a week and a half away from turning ten months... since then, he has gotten WAY faster and steadier on his feet...boy can he cruise around a coffee table) :-)

He has learned to stand by himself with absolutely no assitance for about 5 seconds!

He has learned to crawl through a tunnel:

He is learning to shake his booty, (a little bit at least):

He has learned to make Mama feel better by reaching out to give her a hug or pulling up on her legs when she's had a long day.

He has perfected his hopping skills:

He has learned to fuss when you try to change his clothes or his diaper because he just wants to explore!

He has learned to respond when you call his name!

He has learned to slide with Dada's help:

He is learning what "No" means, (at least I think). ;)

He has learned to make a mess, and to pick out a book to read at bed time, (I think he has a favorite):


He has also learned to throw his stuffed animals over the crib, (and his paci too)!

Here are his 10 month pics:

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